EPO (Erythropoietin)

Company: Usage: Injectable Description EPO(Erythropoietin) Erythropoietin (EPO) is a natural glycoprotein hormone, which regulates the quantity of red blood cells. In medical practice erythropoietin is used to treat chronic renal failure and anemia of different origin. EPO greatly increases production of red blood cells in bone marrow (erythropoiesis). The more …

HGH (Human Growth Hormone) [Somatropin] [Kigtropin]

Company: Kigtropin (China) Usage: injectable Description Kigtropin (Human Growth Hormone) Today pharmaceutical companies produce Human Growth Hormone (HGH) by recombinant technology (rhGH). It is an injectable substance which looks like white powder. rhGH is an absolute copy of natural growth hormone, which consists of 191 amino acids, has molecular formula …

Trenbolone E (Trenbolone Enanthate)

Company: Radjay healthcare & pharmaceutical (India) Usage: injectable Description Trenbolone E (Trenbolone Enanthate) Trenbolone E is an extraordinarily powerful steroid. Though Trenbolone Enanthate is not for human use (veterinary drug), it is very popular among bodybuilders for its high quality and extreme potency. It is the earliest representative of Trenbolone …

Tren-Mix (Trenbolones Mix)

Company: Radjay healthcare & pharmaceutical (India) Usage: injectable Description Tren-Mix (Trenbolones Mix) Tren-Mix contains three representatives of trenbolone family: Trenbolone Acetate 100mg, Trenbolone Enanthate 50mg and Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate 50mg. This mixture provides prolonged action and steady levels of hormones in blood during 10 days. Acetate has shortest half-life and thus …

Exemever [Aromasin] (Exemestane)

Company: SC VERMODJE SRL (Moldova) Usage: Instruction Description Exemever (Exemestane) Exemever belongs to third generation aromatase inhibitors (like Arimidex (Anastrozole) and Femara (Letrozole)). The latter two substances can efficiently block the transformation of androgens into estrogen. So, why do we need Exemever, if we have, let’s say Letro, which is …

Dianabol [Naposim] (Methandienone)

Company: Vermodje (Moldova) Usage: oral Description Dianabol (Methandienone) One can say that Dianabol is a legendary oral steroid with strong anabolic and androgenic properties. It significantly increases strength and protein synthesis in muscles. Besides it greatly improves general well-being, mood and appetite. In other words Dianabol is fast and powerful …

Liothyronine Sodium (Tiromel, Cytomel, T3)

Company: Abdi Ibrahim (Turkey) Usage:oral Description Liothyronine Sodium There are three thyroid hormones: triiodide-thyronine (T3), L-thyroxine (L-T4) and thyrotrophic hormone which stimulates the release of T4. The major amount of T3 hormone in our body comes out of T4 conversion. Nowadays we have synthetic analogue of T3 hormone available on …