Winstrol tabs [Stanabol] (Stanozolol)

Company: Jenapharm (China) Usage: oral Description Winstrol tabs (Stanozolol) Winstrol (winstrol depot, oral winstrol) is a brand name of very popular anabolic steroid called stanozolol, which is  a derivative of DHT (dihydrotestosterone). It has low androgenic ratio and thus low possibility of aromatization and estrogen-related side effects. It`s primarily usage in …

Tren 75 (Trenbolone Acetate)

Company: Centrino Laboratories (Thailand) Usage: injectable Description Tren 75 (Trenbolone Acetate) Trenbolone is in fact nandrolone derivative. However, unlike nandrolone, trenbolone is not being aromatized or being affected by 5alpha-reductase, it shows no estrogen-related sides. It`s powerful class I steroid with strong androgenic effect and a short half-life – 1-2 days. …

Testoviron (Testosterone Enanthate)

Company: Centrino Laboratories (Thailand) Usage: injectable Description Testoviron (Testosterone Enanthate) “We are number one” – this slogan the best suits to describe all testosterone-containing products. It`s virtually impossible to find serious bodybuilder, which does not use testosterone in his pre-season stacks. This is one of the best products for mass-gain. Great …

SUSTANON 250 (Sustanon 250)

Company: Centrino Laboratories (Thailand) Usage: injectable Description SUSTANON 250 (Sustanon 250) Sustanon 250 is an oil-based injectable containing four different testosterone compounds: testosterone propionate, 30 mg; testosterone phenylpropionate, 60 mg; testosterone isocaproate, 60mg; and testosterone decanoate, 100 mg. The mixture of the testosterone are time-released to provide an immediate effect while …

Prop 100 (Testosterone Propionate)

Company: Centrino Laboratories (Thailand) Usage: injectable Description Prop 100 (Testosterone Propionate) Testosterone propionate is a common oil-based injectable testosterone. The added propionate extends the activity of the testosterone but it is still comparatively much faster acting than other testosterone esters such as Cypionate and Enanthate. While cypionate and enanthate are injected …

Depot CYP 250 (Testosterone Cypionate)

Company: Centrino Laboratories (Thailand) Usage: injectable Description Depot CYP 250 (Testosterone Cypionate) Cypionate aromatizes easily; like other testosterone do, making water retention a problem for many users. It is only moderatel toxic to the liver but can cause a marked disturbance, in the bodyrquote s endogenous production of testosterone. Athletes claim …

Deca 200 (Deca-Durabolin) [Nandrolone Decanoate]

Company: Centrino Laboratories (Thailand) Usage: injectable Description Deca 200 (Deca-Durabolin) Deca-durabolin  is Organon tradename for extremely popular and widely used bulking anabolic steroid, which contains substance called nandrolone decanoate. Another less known but still very efficient nandrolone ester is phenylpropionate (Durabolin). There are dozens of different brand names like Retabolin or Nandrolona-D, but …