Viagra generic [Cenforce-100] (Sildenafil citrate)

Company: Centurion Laboratories (India) Usage: Instruction Description Viagra generic (Sildenafil citrate) Sildenafil Citrate is a prescription tablet for the treatment of male impotence. This medicine is a real breakthrough treatment that can help men who fail to attain stiff state of male reproductive organ when they are aroused for making love. …

Testoviron Depot 250 (Testosterone Enanthate)

Company: German Remedies (India) Usage: injectable Description Testoviron Depot 250 (Testosterone Enanthate) We are number one” – this slogan the best suits to describe all testosterone-containing products. It`s virtually impossible to find serious bodybuilder, which does not use testosterone in his pre-season stacks. This is one of the best products for …

Testosterone gel (Cernos Gel / Androgel, testosterone sachets)

Company: Sun Pharma (India) Usage: Instruction Description Testosterone gel (Cernos Gel / Androgel, testosterone sachets) Cernos Gel (androgel, testosterone sachets) by Sun Pharma comes in boxes containing 14 sachets 5 g each (50 mg of testosterone inside), totally 700 mg of active substance. Testosterone gel is used for treatment of low …

Testogel (Androgel, testosterone sachets)

Company: Bayer Schering Pharma AG (Germany) Usage: Instruction Description Testogel (Androgel, testosterone sachets) Testogel (androgel, testosterone sachets) by Bayer Schering comes in boxes containing 10 or 30 sachets 5 g each (50 mg of testosterone inside), totally  500-1500 mg of active substance. Testogel is used for treatment of low testosterone levels …

Testim (Testogel, testosterone sachets)

Company: Auxilium Pharmaceuticals Usage: Instruction Description Testim (Testogel, testosterone sachets) Testogel (androgel, testosterone sachets) by Bayer Schering comes in boxes containing 10 or 30 sachets 5 g each (50 mg of testosterone inside), totally  500-1500 mg of active substance. Testogel is used for treatment of low testosterone levels in men in …